Before Korean Language Course became Korean Language Program (KLP), all lecturers have to prepare their own notes to teach under “course”. Following KICE guide line is vital to design the course because I had a vision to teach Korean language with university level with a university textbook for first time in Singapore so that the students can immerse into the classes in Sogang university without a great deal of problem. After Korean Wave had arrived in Singapore, teaching Korean was getting easier as many people have a minimum level of knowledge from media such as greetings 안녕하세요? So teaching Korean became easier than I started to teach Korean in late 1990's with the internet's help too.
My textbook was for local students and the textbook lead them to next basic level of university textbooks smoothly. Below reasons made me to print my own textbook with NUS publishing with Dr. Kim C.W.'s advice and help.
As NUS Extension did not give any budget to buy textbook in advance, I had to put my money, some thousand dollars to order the Sogang University textbooks in advance and the order tooks three months to arrive. When the textbooks arrived after few months later then I could able to claim the money to NUS Extension but the payment took another few months to come back to me so I had been putting around S$6,000 ~ S$7,000 or more to order the books till Korean Language course became Korean Language Program. My basic level of textbook could lower the course fee too.
When I look at my textbook, I never forget the memory of hardship that I went through to make the Korean Language Program from the uneasy start.
It was the first born tailor made textbook with feedback of my students in Singapore taken into account. I never forget the students who helped me.